The videos featured on our website are very helpful and provide multiple insights into the many complex issues we face today. While we tend to be in agreement with the main message in these videos, we do not necessarily subscribe to everything the speakers hold to or mention such as the use of Bible versions other than the KJV, their Reformed Theology, Speaking in Tongues, or their loose association with liberals and liberalism. We trust that these materials will be a blessing to you. Members of the church are encouraged to check with the leadership of the church when you are in doubt.
Pre-Tribulation Rapture - Pastor Wee
The 7 Year Tribulation Part 1 - Bro Christian
The 7 Year Tribulation Part 2 - Bro Christian
The Antichrist - Pastor Wee
Israel, Oh Israel - Pastor Wee
Why There Must be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of The Church
Maranatha - J. Dwight Pentecost
Is the Lord Coming Soon? - John F Walvoord