Senior Pastor
Pastor (Dr) Yan T Wee was mercifully saved at the age of 16. He surrendered to the gospel ministry at 21, became the interim pastor of the Singapore Bible Baptist Church at 25 and had the privilege of starting Shalom Baptist Church at 28. He has been pastoring the church since 1985. Under his pastorate, the church has grown from 10 to about 250 members. He pastors, writes and does bible conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. He is a gifted writer and is credited with three books: The Soul-Winner’s Handy Guide; In Silence, I Cry; and Darwin’s Universe – From Nothing, By Nothing, For Nothing. As a sinner saved by grace, he desires nothing more than to be a conduit of the blessing and power of God both through the pulpit and the printed page. Pastor Wee and his wife Janet are blessed with four wonderful children – Benjamin, Caleb, Gretal and Asher.
Associate Pastor
You can hear him coming from a mile off. With his larger than life persona and a laugh that reverberates any space he walks into, it’s hard to miss Pastor Christian who is prone to delivering fiery, pulpit-thumping, doctrinally-sound sermons that keep you awake and on the edge of your seat. Having grown up in Shalom, he was saved at 5 and became its youngest member at 9. He surrendered his life to full-time ministry at 29, and was ordained at 32. As Associate Pastor he oversees the Shalom Bible Institute, Adult Sunday School and Bible Study curriculums amongst other things. Besides being an avid reader, he cherishes the time he gets to spend with his supportive wife Kabetha who serves alongside him by taking charge of the women's ministry.
Associate Pastor (Chinese Ministry)
33年前,他是为反对基督教的无神论者。再一次同学的邀请下去了教会。他本想指责那些讲英语敬拜耶稣的华人,结果反而因为一位谦卑的弟兄,使他拿起华文圣经来读。就这样,他寻找到了生命的答案。在不断的追寻中。他感到上帝对他的强烈呼招。两次他逃避了神要他全职的侍奉。当第三次存在呼召他的时候,他答应了,但同时向神开出了一个条件:就是某件事情发生之后,他才会进入。结果。事情出乎意料之外的发生了,比他想象中来的快了许多许 多。从此他就进入全职在华文部的侍奉。早期他是在一个由不同独立浸信会的牧师所组成,附属某教会的神学院里学习,是一边学习一边的侍奉。1995年成家之后。就被按立成为华文部的牧师,直到今日。
Church Administrator
Bro. James, is the lynch pin that keeps the administrative machinery of Shalom Baptist Church running without a hitch. From our annual Church Camp, to the day to day administration of the church, Bro. James ensures that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. A conversation with him never fails to be filled with witty zingers and dad-jokes. He is often plagued by a wanderlust that propels him into exploring and admiring God's great earth with his wife and two sons.
Deacon / Church Staff (Youth & Young Adult Ministries)
You’ll never leave Bro. Chris’ presence without being touched by his warmth and sincerity. Having retired from his position as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Singapore Navy, he now fills the ranks as a soldier in God’s army as full-time staff and deacon. He ministers to the young adults, youth and seniors, and his vivacious energy makes it hard to tell him apart from those he leads. When he’s not off visiting and caring for the members of the church over the week, you’d usually find him at home with his lovely wife, Samantha and their musically talented son, Zane.
Deacon / Church Staff (Children Ministry)
If the word “pleasant” came with a picture, it would be of Bro. Eric. His return from the mission field at Tangkak, Johor saw him leading the children’s and young parents’ ministries from 2015. Apart from being a deacon, he also teaches Sunday school classes. Bro Eric was saved in 1989 and baptised in 1991. Since then he has been serving faithfully with a willing and joyful heart whenever duty calls. Gardening and the occasional game of badminton are hobbies that Bro. Eric engages in when he’s not spending time with his wife, Ann and their three teachable daughters Erica, Andrea and Anthea.